The RM of Kelvington council meetings are generally held on the 2nd Thursday of every month.
Reeve - Maurice Patenaude Phone: 306-327-8511
Division 1 - Garth Lindgren Phone: 306-747-7891
Division 2 - Miller Hendren Phone: 306-327-7103
Division 3 - Richard Niezgoda Phone: 306-327-7777
Division 5 - Curtis Nerlien Phone: 306-813-7878
Division 6 - Cameron Nygren Phone: 306-322-7220
Administrator - Heather Elmy
Foreman - Hector Choquette
Grader Operator - Neil Veilleux
Utility Workers - Chris Leech & Elliott Laduke
Auditors: Janke Professional Accountants
If you feel you have been treated unfairly by the RM of Kelvington No. 366 and would like to make a complaint, Ombudsman deals with these complaints.
There is no cost to you for this process.
Please contact Ombudsman:
Call them at:
Toll Free 1-800-667-9787 or 306-933-5500
Fax: 306-933-8406
Mail a letter: 150-2401 Saskatchewan Drive Regina, SK, S4P 4H8
Or submit this form online
Please try to resolve the issue before contacting them.
Firstly, please contact a council member or the Administrator at the RM office and ask us about our complaint process.
Ombudsman can decide not to move forward if that first step isn't taken before contacting them.
No they wont.
Ombudsman is independent and impartial.
They do not advocate for the RM or anyone who contacts them.
Ombudsman only shares as much of your information with the RM as is necessary to resolve your complaint.
There are many different out comes due to every case being different. Here are some possible results:
No matter what the results are Ombudsman will share the conclusion with the person who feels they have been treaty unfair. They will also share the reasoning with you.